Tuesday, April 22, 2014


After we have studied the personal pronouns and the verb to be...

Let's study some professions:

On the next video we can hear the pronunciation of some professions:

This are some of the most common  professions:

Builder : Constructor
Policeman : Policía
Astronaut : Astronauta
Journalist : Periodista
Plumber : Fontanero
Doctor : Doctor / Médico
Electrician : Electricista
Painter : Pintor
Musician : Músico
Teacher : Maestro , Profesor
Sailor : Marinero,a
Accountant : Contador , Contable
Writer : Escritor
Bricklayer : Albañil
Architect : Arquitecto , a
Fire Fighter / Firemane : Bombero,a
Engineer : Ingeniero,a
Nurse : Enfermera
Model : Modelo
Hairdresser : Peluquero
Physiotherapist : Fisioterapeuta

Vet/Vererinarian : Veteninario, a
Surgeon : Cirujano,a
Waiter : Camarero
Waitress : Camarera
Estate Agent : Agente inmobiliario
Secret agent : Agente secreto
TV Presenter : Presentador de TV , Presentadora de tv
Sweeper : Barrendero
Barman : Cantinero
Butcher : Carnicero,a
Baker : Pandero,a
Lumberjack : Leñador
Librarian : Bibiotecario,a
Singer : Cantante
Jeweller : Jorero,a
Carpenter : Carpintero
Chemist : Quimico
Dancing girl : Bailarina
Dentist : Dentista
Industrial Designer : Diseñador Industrial
Cabinet maker : Ebanista
Mechanic : Mecánico
Businessman : Hombre de negocios / empresario
Stewardess : Azafata
Computer scientist : Informático
Gardener : Jardinero,a
Judge : Juez
Head-waiter : Jefe de Camareras
Telephone operator : Operador de telefónico
Receptionist : Recepcionista
Soldier : Soldado
Tailor : Sastre
Scientist :Científico
Secretary : Secretario,a
Cleaner : Limpiador
Farmer : Grajero
Fishman : Pescador
Guard : Guardia
Shoemaker : Zapatero
Dairy : Lechero
Designer : Diseñador
Tourist guide : Guía de turistas
Taxi driver : taxista
Dog walker : Paseador de perros
Politician : Político
Salesman : Vendedor
Programmer ; Programador
Physicist : Físico
Pharmacist : Farmacéutico
Garbage collector (U.S) / Dustman (U.K.) : Basurero
Archaeologist : Arqueólogo
Lawyer : Abogado, a
Actor / actress : Actor / actriz
Decorator : Decorador
Foreman : Capataz
Cook : Cocinero,a
Shepherd : Pastor
Researcherc: Investigador
Banker : Banquero
Hunter : Cazador
Comedian : Humorista
Florist : Florista
Beautician : Esteticista
Broker : Corredor de bolsa
Cameraman : Camarógrafo
Coach : Entrenador
Bodyguard : Guardaespaldas
Pilot : Piloto
Postman : Cartero
Sportsman : Deportista
Translator : Traductor
beekeeper : Apicultor
Nursemaid : Niñera
Administrator : Administrador
Auctioneer : Subastador
Botanist Botánico
Breeder : Criador
Bishop : Obispo
CEO : Presidente
druggist : Boticario / Droguero
Dry cleaner : Tintorero
DJ : Cambiadiscos
Cabinet maker : Ebanista
Cashier : Cajero
Engineer : Ingeniero
illustrator : Ilustrador
Negotiator : Negociador
Newscaster : Noticiero
Optician : óptico

Cursos Ingles Online. Abril de 2014. Recuperado de: http://www.cursos-inglesonline.com/ocupaciones-y-profesiones-en-ingles/

Now, let's make some sentences.


I am a teacher.
Yo soy una profesora.

He is a singer.
El es un cantante.

They are pilots.
Ellos son pilotos.

She is a doctor.
Ella es una doctora.

We are designers.
Nosotros somos diseñadores.

You are a nurse.
Usted es una enfermera.

Verb To Be

The  Verb "To Be" in English is equal to verbs "ser" and "estar" in Spanish.

Simple Present of the Verb "to be"

Verbo Ser/estar
Verbo To Be
Yo soy/estoy
I am
Tu eres/estás
You are
El/ella es/está
He/she/it is
We are
Vosotros sois/estáis
You are
Ellos/ellas son/están
They are

Remember that the verb to be, on this case we used in simple present, namely, the action is been developing at the moment.

Examples of how to use the verb to be. It's very simple:

Personal Pronouns

Let's start. First, Let's learn the personal pronouns, their meaning and pronunciation.

Pronombre en Español
Pronombre en Inglés
El/ella (objeto)

Read the pronouns with their right pronunciation and practice with your classmates.